Turorial - Understanding Kubernetes volumes
1. Objective
Understand Kubernetes deployments.
This tutorial directly uses a subset of the examples of the book “Kubernetes in action” written by Marko Lukša. All examples of the book can be found here.
2. Create a deployment
Create a manifest file 11-kubia-deployment-v1.yaml
with the following content:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kubia
app: kubia
replicas: 3
name: kubia
app: kubia
- image: luksa/kubia:v1
name: nodejs
> kubectl create -f 11-kubia-deployment-v1.yaml
3. Doing a rolling update on a deployment
To be able to watch the rolling update we first have to slow down the update process of the Deployment resource to 10 seconds:
> kubectl patch deployment kubia -p '{"spec": {"minReadySeconds": 10}}'
Open four terminals and run the following commands:
First to watch changes in the version of pods
> watch -n1 curl
if not working > while true; do curl; done
Second to watch changes in the list of replicasets
> watch -n1 kubectl get rs
Third to start the rolling update
> kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v2
Fourth, a command to follow the update
> kubectl rollout status deployment kubia
4. Doing a rollback
Let’s update to a v3
version that is bugged. You can open the same 4 terminals to follow the update.
> kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v3
We can rollback our deployment to a valid version:
> kubectl rollout undo deployment kubia
You can also rollback to a chosen revision
> kubectl rollout undo deployment kubia --to-revision=1