Responsabilities at IMT Atlantique

  • Since June 2022 - Head of the LOGIN option in the third year of engineering studies at IMT Atlantique
  • From September 2020 to March 2022 - Head of Computer Science domain in the new engineer apprenticeship training “Industry of the Future” at IMT Atlantique (FIT)

Teaching units responsabilities at IMT Atlantique

Apprenticeship training on Software engineering at IMT Atlantique (FIL)

  • Distributed architectures in the first year (Bachelor)
  • DevOps in the second year (Master 1)

LOGIN computer science option, third year (Master 2)

  • Services and micro-services
  • Hackaton
  • Cloud computing
  • Big Data

Courses 2024-2025

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Distributed architectures, Bachelor in computer science [see the webpage of the course].
  • DevOps, M1 Master in Computer Science.
  • Terraform in the Cloud Computing course, M2 in computer science.
  • Services, M2 engineering students [see the webpage of the course].
  • Cloud computing, M2 engineering students.
  • Hackaton, M2 engineering students.
  • Model checking, 3rd year of Bachelor in Industry 4.0 (Industrial science).

Courses 2023-2024

IMT Atlantique, France

Courses 2022-2023

IMT Atlantique, France

Courses 2021-2022

IMT Atlantique, France

Courses 2020-2021

Artic University of Norway, Tromsø

  • DevOps deployment tools - Behind the scene, In the Advanced distributed systems course, master and phd students in computer science. [Download]
  • Beyond deployment - management and reconfiguration, In the Advanced distributed systems course, master and phd students in computer science. [Download]
  • Autonomic reconfiguration - decision making, In the Advanced distributed systems course, master and phd students in computer science. [Download]

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Project, master students, last year engineer, AMiSNO: Micro-Services application on top of Netflix OSS. [Doc] [GitHub]

Courses 2019-2020

Lowcomote ETN European project, Madrid

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Algorithms and python, 3rd year of Bachelor in Computer Science.
  • Project, master students, last year engineer, Smart-Perma: Decision making for permaculture.

Courses 2018-2019

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Algorithms and python, 3rd year of Bachelor in Computer Science.

Northern Arizona University, USA

  • Capstone project, master students in Computer Science. Download the subject

Courses 2017-2018

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Programming project ACDC, 1st year of Bachelor in Computer Science by apprenticeship (3rd year bachelor). Download the subject (in French)

  • Projet de Fin d’Étude, last year engineer (master) internships.

Courses 2016-2017

IMT Atlantique, France

  • Projet de Fin d’Étude, last year engineer (master) internships. In charge of two students, one working at Voyage SNCF, the second at Orange Labs

  • Programming project ACDC, 1st year of Bachelor in Computer Science by apprenticeship (3rd year bachelor). Download the subject (in French)

  • 3-tiers web applications, 1st year Engineer School (3dr year bachelor)

Courses 2015-2016

University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Parallel programming, 1st year of Master in Computer Sciences, Practical works: 17 hours
  • Networks, 3rd year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, Practical works: 18 hours

Courses 2014-2015

ENS Lyon, France

  • Haskell exercices for the Programming course, 3rd year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, 21 Practical sessions
  • ACM programming contest training, 3rd year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, Practical works: 27 hours

Courses 2013-2014

University of Orléans, Department of Computer Science, France

  • Parallel Programming - MPI, 1st year of Master in Computer Sciences, Lectures, Exercices and Practical works: 15 hours
  • Seminar on HPC, 2nd year of Master in Computer Sciences, Lectures: 2 hours

Courses 2012-2013

University of Orléans, Department of Computer Science, France

  • Parallel Programming - MPI, 1st year of Master in Computer Sciences, Lectures, Exercices and Practical works: 15 hours
  • Seminar on HPC, 2nd year of Master in Computer Sciences, Lectures: 2 hours

Courses 2011-2012

University of Orléans, Department of Computer Science, France

  • Project Managment and practical programming project, 1st year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, Lectures, Exercices and Practical works: 30 hours

Courses 2010-2011

University of Orléans, Department of Computer Science, France

  • Project Managment and practical programming project, 1st year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, Lectures, Exercices and Practical works: 30 hours
  • Algorithmic and Programmation, An Introduction by using Java, 1st year of Bachelor in Computer Sciences, Exercices and Practical works: 15 hours