
VeRDi is an acronym for Verified Reconfiguration Driven by execution. It aims at addressing distributed software reconfiguration in an efficient and verified way. The VeRDi project is funded by the French region Pays De La Loire where Nantes is located.

Paper accepted at CCGrid 2020

The paper entitled “Predictable Efficiency for Reconfiguration of Service-Oriented Systems with Concerto”, written by Maverick Chardet, Hélène Coullon and Christian Perez has been accepted to CCGrid 2020 ! Maverick will present this paper in Melbourne, Australia !


Paper accepted to iFM 2019

The paper entitled “Integrated Model-checking for the Design of Safe and Efficient Distributed Software Commissioning”, written by Didier Lime, Claude Jard and I, has been accepted to iFM 2019 ! Helene will present this paper in Bergen, Norway !


Talk given to the Inria WIDE research group

A talk has been given by Helene to the WIDE Inria research group in Rennes. The talk is entitled Distributed Software Management: Efficiency, Software Engineering and Verification.


New Postdoc and Engineer

We are pleased to hire both a new postdoc and a new engineer in the project ! Both of them will arrive in July 2019.


Job interviews

Both the postdoc and engineering positions attract candidates. We are currently performing job interviews.

Hope to have two news members in the project soon !

See Jobs for more details.



Four students from Northern Arizona University, the Amadeus team, are working on MAB (Madeus Application Builder) to be able to graphically design, through a GUI, a Madeus assembly.

Madeus and Petri nets

We are know able to enrich Madeus with a property language so that a Madeus assembly can be translated to a Petri net and temporal logic properties. Model checkers than can be used to verify properties on assemblies and to help developers in their deployment design. This also illsutrates that Madeus is specific to deployment and much more convenient than its equivalent Petri net ! Take a look at this subpart of the OpenStack assembly ! [Read More]

Survey on verified reconfiguration

Hélène Coullon is working with Frédéric Loulergue and Ludovic Henrio on a survey about verified software reconfiguration.


Maverick is currently working on Madeus++ an extension of Madeus with reconfiguration capabilities !

The prototype is operational and is under experiment on a real use-case: migrating from a centralized to a decentralized database.